Enneagram and Spiritual Practices

Looking for support on spiritual practice?

This is my go-to guide for developing and nurturing spiritual practice through the lens of the Enneagram.

What exactly is spiritual practice? Great question, one that warrants its own post that I may or may not be working on. I like to define spiritual practice as anything that shifts us away from ego to Source, from False Self to True Self, from scarcity to abundance, the list goes on.

A definition as broad as this leads me to believe that ultimately anything could be a spiritual practice. With that being said, this list only scratches the surface. May it be a launch pad for you and your journey.

Navigating the Enneagram (and this page)

What is the Enneagram?

Where is the Enneagram from?

Decoding the tables on this page

Movement of the arrows

What’s the difference between Ego-Type and Soul-Type?

Important reminder

Ego-Type 1

FixationTrapPassionVirtueHoly IdeaSoul Type
ResentmentPerfectionAngerSerenityHoly PerfectionType 7

Dominant Center of IntelligenceRepressed Center of Intelligence
Body (Doing)Head (Thinking)

Spiritual Practice Ideas for Enneagram 1

Ego-Type 2

FixationTrapPassionVirtueHoly IdeaSoul Type
FlatteryFreedomPrideHumilityHoly FreedomType 4

Dominant Center of IntelligenceRepressed Center of Intelligence
Heart (Feeling)Head (Thinking)

Spiritual Practice Ideas for Enneagram 2

Ego-Type 3

FixationTrapPassionVirtueHoly IdeaSoul Type
VanityEfficiencyDeceitTruthfulnessHoly HarmonyType 6

Dominant Center of IntelligenceRepressed Center of Intelligence
Heart (Feeling)Heart (Feeling)

Spiritual Practice Ideas for Enneagram 3

Ego-Type 4

FixationTrapPassionVirtueHoly IdeaSoul Type
MelancholyAuthenticityEnvyEquanimityHoly OriginalityType 1

Dominant Center of IntelligenceRepressed Center of Intelligence
Heart (Feeling)Body (Doing)

Spiritual Practice Ideas for Enneagram 4

Ego-Type 5

FixationTrapPassionVirtueHoly IdeaSoul Type
StinginessObserverAvariceDetachmentHoly OmniscienceType 8

Dominant Center of IntelligenceRepressed Center of Intelligence
Head (Thinking)Body (Doing)

Spiritual Practice Ideas for Enneagram 5

Ego-Type 6

FixationTrapPassionVirtueHoly IdeaSoul Type
CowardiceSecurityFearCourageHoly StrengthType 9

Dominant Center of IntelligenceRepressed Center of Intelligence
Head (Thinking)Head (Thinking)

Spiritual Practice Ideas for Enneagram 6

Ego-Type 7

FixationTrapPassionVirtueHoly IdeaSoul Type
PlanningIdealismGluttonySobrietyHoly WisdomType 5

Dominant Center of IntelligenceRepressed Center of Intelligence
Head (Thinking)Heart (Feeling)

Spiritual Practice Ideas for Enneagram 7

Ego-Type 8

FixationTrapPassionVirtueHoly IdeaSoul Type
VengeanceJusticeLustInnocenceHoly TruthType 2

Dominant Center of IntelligenceRepressed Center of Intelligence
Body (Doing)Heart (Feeling)

Spiritual Practice Ideas for Enneagram 8

Ego-Type 9

FixationTrapPassionVirtueHoly IdeaSoul Type
IndolenceSeekerSlothActionHoly LoveType 3

Dominant Center of IntelligenceRepressed Center of Intelligence
Body (Doing)Body (Doing)

Spiritual Practice Ideas for Enneagram 9

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